Monthly Archives: August 2009

Several Groups Added to the intimate concert lineup

Go check out the Intitmate Concert Page as we have just added several shows coming up in September, October, and November

This Week at Chroma: First Friday! 6-10pm


"Keeping it Shiny Side Up"

"Keeping it Shiny Side Up"

Jacqui Lewnes with her Triumph in the gallery

Jacqui Lewnes with her Triumph in the gallery

This week is our First Friday Art Opening. Our featured artist for August is Jacqui Lewnes and her show of Contemporary Motorcycle Drawings, “Keeping it Shiny Side Up”. Jacqui has shown her work in the past here at Chroma Studios Gallery, but never like this! This new series of motorcycle drawings is awesome! You may have seen her monotypes of animals; cats, dogs, birds, etc. Just for fun, she will ride her motorcycle in to the gallery on Friday and park it with her drawings in the main gallery for the opening reception!

“Motorcycles have fascinated me since a young teenager,” Lewnes writes in her statement. “Motorcycles for me represent freedom, movement, and friendships.  They have given me great memories of summer: moving through the days with the wind in my face. Now, slightly older, I ride to keep grounded. On a motorcycle, it’s you on two wheels without a buffer or a cage around you. This keeps me in the moment.

“These drawings are created from a collection of my photos, toys and some great memories of my first bikes.  They are created in the same spirit of riding: light, loose and easy going–a gesture.  They are simply constructed on paper…motorcycles and life are not stationary nor static. In these drawings, my bikes shake and rattle, the kick- stands are up and it’s up to you to catch the bikes before they fall over. Bright colors are used in my works foreground and background, screaming for your attention, like loud mufflers and bright colors do when a motorcycle drives past you.  You can’t help but look.”